up in the sky is the place to be
no need of thinking or feeling
not even air to breathe
but never far away enough from mother earth
after nothing comes something
climb the black mountain so high you can't even see the top
aim for nothing but air and you will reach something
feel the... whatever there is to feel
and fall flat on to the ground again
do i have to tell you to start over?
i am not someones property
someones key or shoe

i fell in love with Monki Autumn 2010 as usual,

here are two of my favorites

i've been sick the last two days. no fun at all. anton came and visited and took care of me though. i've missed a couple of important classes this week but what the hell, it'll solve itself. i am so excited about going to Paris in nov with anton. i think i dreamt about it last night. a very odd dream. to sum it all up i had lunch in a garden and climbed ladders. i've heard that it is very common to dream weird dreams when you have a fever.. which i had. thinking of Paris; my silver ring (bought last spring in Paris), red lipstick, black clothing, classic, red wine, museums, Sacre Coeur, mittens.... and so on. typical Paris stuff and i love it.
my old blog -